We are now approximately 790 kilometres into our challenge and we thought an honest appraisal of things would be useful for the ABOUT section of the website .....
We said the story would unfold once we got started in May 2022 and so it has, neither of us was prepared for the physical and mental relentlessness of what we have embarked upon. Ultimately though the paddle isn't about us, it has one simple aim and that is to raise as much money as we can for families displaced by war in Ukraine and that helps drive us on. We must also though thank from the bottom of our hearts the support we are getting from our friends back home and the truly wonderful Irish folk we meet along the way whose generosity is unlike anything we have experienced before with offers of food, transport, accommodations and contributions to the Fund, to them we say ... go raibh maith agat
Sarah & Paul
' We are truly humbled by the response of Irish Folk we meet along the way from offers of food, transport, accommodation and contributions to our Fund and to them we say a heartfelt
Go Raibh Math Agat
Our Aim
First and foremost we make no secret about our main aim being to raise as much money as possible to help the kids of Ukraine affected by the war. Obviously, we are also hoping that the paddle will be an enjoyable experience but know from last year paddling round Scotland at times we had to dig deep to keep going. We are under no illusions when it comes to paddling around Ireland, we will at times be tested not just physically but also psychologically.

Who We are Helping
Donated funds will be aimed at improving the lives of families displaced by the war in Ukraine. We will be supporting the Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal .
£100 could provide emergency food for two families for a month,
£30 could provide essential hygiene supplies for a month for a family.
£50 could provide blankets for four families